Apr 202021

Fuckin’ White People and their… [shuffles deck, draws card] …thinking that God not existing is a good reason to not believe in It.

A friend of mine shared this, and I let her know it was disgusting and othering.

My exreligion uses harsh social control and isolation to force dependency. I left my religion because god is a monster. When I came out at 15 my mom didn’t talk to me for three days and I wasn’t sure I wouldn’t get kicked out of the house. Finding the logical, rational reasons that religion didn’t make sense gave me a shield. It let me say to the people threatening to take away all my social supports and telling me I was destroying my family and damning myself that *nothing they said made sense when compared to reality*. I left because God is Hate. I was able to say it out loud because I could show he’s fake.


  One Response to “Disbelief Oppression Olympics”

  1. I’m glad that you stood up to this. I’m glad that you didn’t need anyone to tell you that your experience is valid and you have a right to share it and be seen as human. Bravo.
    To paraphrase a meme that I often agree with strongly, “Hate is Hate.”

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