Nov 212017

double edit! Should be fixed now, and looks like the problem was with a plug-in, so back to my home theme.

edit: nevermind, still broken I guess. /sigh. Getting tech support.

My old website theme has broken, which is sad, I kinda liked it. But for the past few days no one could click on anything, including old posts, previous pages, or leaving comments. So I’ve moved to good ol’ WordPress 2012 default, things should be working again.

Also, I’ve started a new job, and a lot of mental energy is going into learning the ropes, so posting will be sporadic for a while. I do have a new post up from a few hours ago though, please see below.

  2 Responses to “Site update”

  1. I for one am really glad you got to keep the theme. The other one just didn’t feel right.

    • I think it’s mostly because this is what we got used to. I bet if it were reversed we would react the same.

      But I’m really bad at artsy things so I might be wrong.

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