Back in the Bad Old Days there was only one major distributor of porn – Playboy.
Since it was run by Hugh Hefner, it swung wildly towards his tastes in women. They’re obvious – super-thin, blonde, big boobs. As a result, several generations grew up experiencing this as the model of beauty, and with this as their first encounter with sexuality.
Quickly this became known as what was desirable. Men started chasing these types of women purely for the status effects. When you’re young and insecure it’s extremely important to you that your peers think well of you. They will judge you by the mates you can attract. And when you’re very young, it doesn’t matter that much if you aren’t very attracted to that type – you can screw almost anything anyway, and being admired more important.
In this way Hugh Hefner unintentional screwed an entire generation of marriages. Once people start to get older, their true sexual preferences become much more important. If you don’t find that wasted-away look enticing it’s much harder to maintain a sexual relationship. Sexual frustration builds and divorce results. Partly because the men were too concerned with looking good in front of others to really listen to what their dicks were telling them, and partly because they didn’t have a lot of opportunities to query their dicks in the first place. When the majority of your tests are restricted to Playboy you don’t get a very representative sample.
Fortunately the internet came to save the day! Online porn is ubiquitous, anonymous, and extremely easy to access. The market for porn exploded. Suddenly 100% of men (and many women) were direct purchasers, rather than a handful of media moguls and publishers. And porn producers found it was incredibly easy to draw market share by giving people exactly what they wanted.
Which leads us to today, where literally every taste is pandered to, and everyone can easily find what appeals to them. This is especially important for the young and inexperienced, because when you’re first discovering your sexuality you aren’t quite sure what you like. When all you see is the stick-figure blondes it may be excusable to come to the conclusion that’s what’s hot. But when you have the full spectrum of human beauty to peruse and pursue at your leisure, you quickly come to notice patterns in what you like. You scroll past boring waifish girls and click after the succulent well-curved ladies.
Then when you go out into the real world and date around a few times you’re much more likely to go after that which you already know you want. I won’t lie – status pressure is still real, it exists. But when you know what you want, and you can honestly look at someone and think “You know, she’s a great person and fun to be around, but she really just doesn’t do anything for me sexually” it’s much easier to shrug that pressure off. You save both of you a lot of time and possibly heart-ache. You don’t end up in marriages that are lacking in sexual desire.
In short – internet porn is helping people to know their own desires better, and at a younger age, and as a result avoid bad marriages. This is a good thing, and we should thank internet porn for making our relationships stronger. :)