

What Lies Dreaming

My debut novel.

Famine wracks 2nd century Rome. Food riots rage in the streets, and the emperor struggles to hold on to power in the midst of a burgeoning coup. He recalls the German Legion to Rome to restore order. Unbeknownst to him, a hidden evil slips into the city along with the returning Legion. As civil war boils over and black magics run unchecked, an ancient horror stirs from its dreams, rousing after eons of slumber.

You can buy this book in electronic or physical formats At Amazon, or any ebook seller. It can also be read online at



Dear Grom And Other Stories collection

My latest collection is now available in print and ebook! It includes the below eleven stories. Some of these are also available free online, links in descriptions below. All of them can be purchased individually as well.

Through The Never

In an insane universe, madness is a survival trait
4,500 words
Availability: SubStack, Amazon
Related: Author Comments
First published in Humans Wanted

Flee, My Pretty One

Young rebels join a resistance against the dark powers controlling their world, until they find themselves being corrupted by the dragons they’re fighting.
6,000 words
Availability: Writers of the Future, volume 34 anthology, Amazon
Related: The Scientologists, The Workshop, The People, The Dragons (ie: Authors Notes)The Drift Away From Revolution
First published in Writers of the Future, vol 34

Give Me My Wings

When you don’t fit into the world, maybe the afterlife is preferable
2,000 words
Availability: Gotta Wear Eclipse Glasses, Amazon
First published in Gotta Wear Eclipse Glasses

Not Fade Away

On remaining useful even as you age and degrade
6,000 words
Availability: Aurealis #136, Amazon
First published in Aurealis #136

I See Dead Kids

Everything has a price
1,000 words
Availability: Effective Altruism Forums, Amazon
First published in the Effective Altruism Forums

We Shall Not All Sleep, But We Shall All Be Changed

When you’re offered the fulfillment of your deepest values you learn if they’ve drifted
4,000 words
Availability: Dark Matter Magazine, issue 008, Amazon
First published in Dark Matter Magazine #008

Gin And Rummy

An old man finds an old robot dog
1,300 words
Availability: Analog Magazine, July/Aug 2023 issue, Amazon
Related: Author Comments
First published in Analog Magazine July/Aug 2023

One Of The Good Ones

An orc strives to do good in the world
15,200 words
Availability: SubStack (free preview, pay for full), Amazon
Related: na

The Real Fanfic Is The Friends We Made Along The Way

The world’s first AI tries to save the human species and all the fanfic we create
8,000 words
Availability: SubStack (free), Amazon
Related: Publishing In The Early Singularity, Generative AI is a Fantastic Tool

Heaven’s Bounty

The first men love God, but does He love them back?
4,400 words
Availability: Folkloric, Amazon
Related: About Heaven’s Bounty

Dear Grom

The diary of a Barbarian warrior on a quest to save a kingdom
5,900 words
Availability: only as part of this collection
Related: na

Red Legacy And Other Stories collection

My first collection is available in print and ebook. It includes the below five stories. Some of these are also available free online, either at AO3 or as Audio Dramas. The links to those have been preserved in the descriptions below.

Red Legacy 

A Soviet mad scientist tries to do science in her secret lair and also cure her daughter’s illness, while fending off British secret agents, American commando raids, and Russian auditors
10,100 words
Finalist for the 2015 Sidewise Award for Alternative History
Availability: Print collection | eBook collection: Amazon/B&N/Smashwords |  Online at Curious Fictions, AO3 |Free Audio Drama
Related: Third-Party Reviews, Things Learned While Writing part 1 & Part 2, A Note On The C-Word, How The Story Almost Sucked But Sheila Williams Saved It, Gun Saftey
First published in Asimov’s Science Fiction, Feb 2015


Space Zombies want to save humanity
8,400 words
Availability: Print collection | eBook collection: Amazon/B&N/Smashwords| Online at Curious Fictions, AO3 |Free Audio Drama
Related: Author Comments
First published in Analog Science Fiction & Fact, March/April 2017

Of All Possible Worlds

Lovecraftian horror in ancient Rome – A tale of visceral gladiatorial combat in the Roman arena that quickly turns to hallucinatory madness and confusion
5,000 words
Availability: Print collection | eBook collection: Amazon/B&N/Smashwords | Swords v Cthulhu anthology | Online at Curious Fictions, AO3Free Audio Drama
Related: Two Reviews + Author Comments, Monster Art
First published in Swords v Cthulhu

Amazing Man

The world’s most powerful superhero finally gets fed up with being insulted by the news media, and being constrained by silly laws meant for flimsy humans
2900 words
Availability: Print collection | eBook collection: Amazon/B&N/Smashwords |  Online at Curious Fictions, AO3
Inspired by the 2015 “Sad Puppies” Hugo Fiasco.

One Hundred Words

The meaning of life can be summarized in one hundred words
600 words
Availability: Print collection | eBook collection: Amazon/B&N/Smashwords | Online at Curious Fictions, AO3Evil Girlfriend Media
First published at Evil Girlfriend Media



Also available

Amazing Man 2: Love Conquers All

Amazing Man continues to liberate the world, one coup at a time. But when he encounters the only person who can keep secrets from him, will the mystery of this handsome raptor-scientist pick the lock to Amazing Man’s heart?
4400 words
Availability: HereAO3 | Audio
First published at
Inspired by the 2016 “Rabid Puppies” Hugo Fiasco, and Chuck Tingle’s brilliant counter-trolling of Vox Day.


Voicemail to the afterlife
~15 minutes interactive fiction
Availability: Official Twine version, or in basic HTML
Related: How this came to be


In the past I enjoyed entering short-fiction contests, the restrictions one is placed under make it fun. If you’d like, you can see those here. Note that these are VERY early works, as I was still learning to write, and unpolished. For curiosity only.

Please check out my SubStack, or my Amazon author page

  2 Responses to “Fiction”

  1. Have you considered self-publishing?

  2. MV Lehti:n ja muiden vastaavien julkaisujen vaikutus on ollut merkittävä, sillä ne ovat luoneet uudenlaisen medianäkyvyyden ja tarjonneet alustan monipuolisille äänille ja näkökulmille, jotka eivät välttämättä saa tilaa perinteisessä mediassa. Niiden rooli kansalaisjournalismin edistäjinä on tuonut esiin uusia tapoja osallistua julkiseen keskusteluun ja tuoda esille vaiettuja aiheita.

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