Aug 272013

miley262way-eda35d55163f37984e039c516423388758932436-s4-c85/sigh. I wanted to move away from Blurred Lines, as it seems to have taken over my blog the last couple weeks, but shit keeps coming up.

I get most of my news from social media and podcasts. And I gotta say, I’m pretty proud of my friends-list! Barely a peep about the Miley Cirus thing, except to comment on how stupid the media is. I finally learned about it from NPR, which is a black mark on NPR. :/

Much is made of American rape-culture, and a large part of that is slut-shaming. Taking any positive expression of sexuality by a woman and attacking her for it, tearing apart her reputation and destroying her social net. Rape culture depends on fear of slut-shaming both to control women and to scare them into staying quiet about sexual assaults. The entirety of this Miley Cyrus “scandal” is nothing more than one giant slut-shaming extravaganza by all the privileged white men who can’t abide the young women they feel they own showing any sexual agency. It’s a blight on our culture, and the news media are gleefully wallowing in it like pigs in shit because it drives up their web-traffic. NPR could have thoughtfully reported this as “millions of people in our society are still slut-shaming assholes”. Instead they jumped on the sexist bandwagon. With an online poll to boot! So all the ass-brained pricks can reassure themselves of how right they are to be getting high on self-righteous indignation. Once again The Onion shows itself to be the American news source with the most integrity.

I sent an adapted version of the above to the NPR Ombudsman. It’s not much, but at least it’s not nothing.

  3 Responses to “The slut-shaming of Miley Cirus”

  1. Pigs don’t wallow in shit when they have the opportunity to avoid it. They wallow in mud because it keeps them cool, protects them from insects and protects their largely hairless skin from sun burn. It’s pretty smart “clothes-making” behavior actually (imo), for a naked-ish mammal that has no thumbs. You made great points that are accurate, but that’s no excuse to spread false stereotypes about another species.

  2. The media / public’s reaction, by the way, was completely expected and what the performers and their management were going for in these heavily-rehearsed performances.

  3. I am uncertain that this is really a depiction of Miley showing sexual agency. I cannot actually access the video where I live however I know from having seen the original that its basically impossible for a female for have sexual agency and be remaking that song. I am also unsure that NPS jumped on the sexist bandwagon. Not a shining example of journalism perhaps but I dont really see whats so bad about that particular article, as it did at least seem to be more reporting the situation rather than sensationalizing it. I am unsure why the issue in general is not the point made at the end of the article that MTV is marketing sexually charged content to children. I never heard about this mess until now so I am unsure of any details though.

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