Nov 292012

The previous post got me to thinking about my old raiding days. I used to play World of Warcraft. The highest-end content required huge sacrifices of time and a lot of skill to complete, and resulted in rewards of the best weapons and armor available. Every few months this content was made much easier, so that less dedicated players could get those same rewards without nearly as much effort. At first this was met with howls of protest from the elites. Why should the unwashed masses get the same rewards as them for much less effort?

Eventually everyone stopped complaining. Partly because there was no use complaining, if you wanted to keep enjoying the game you simply accepted this and moved on. But also because the elite raiders realized they had gotten something for their efforts – they’d gotten the use of that top-end weaponry for months before anyone else. This gave them an advantage in all things, and it gave them a head start on everyone else when newer, harder dungeons were released.

The cyclical nature of the game really drove something home for everyone who has played it long enough: No gains are permanent. The world is always growing and expanding. Your opponents are evolving. And you must continue to strive and evolve as well, or you will be left behind.

The sexually-strict I spoke of the other day did gain something from their abstinence*. They gained freedom from those consequences while they existed, and the status of virtue to be had while it was offered. They feel, like many people do, that Gains Should Be Permanent. That once a certain amount of effort has been put in and a certain objective has been achieved, they need not struggle anymore. Anyone who’s ever cleaned their home should realize how futile that thinking is. Life is a constant struggle against entropy. You can never rest on your laurels for long. The world changes, and all the accolades and advantages you won in the past helped you for that time. It may have helped you a LOT, and maybe for a LONG time. But eventually that passes, and you must accept falling from the status of the elite, or continue to strive. No living off your Tier 2 Set for the rest of your days.


*well, the older ones did anyway. The young ones who have been hobbled by an ancient tradition are rightly bitter about it, but their aiming at the wrong target. Shed the old religion, don’t try to force the world back into the deplorable condition that made that religion adaptive.

Nov 282012

Why should sex have any negative consequences? The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists put out a statement this week saying the birth control pill should be available over the counter. If anyone actually began the process of making this possible you know there’d be an outcry by the same assholes who opposed the HPV vaccine, and attacked Sandra Fluke for stating that employers shouldn’t strip women’s health from their insurance options. There is a school of thought among certain groups that sex should be as awful as possible. In particular, it should be absolutely terrible for women. Men generally get off without many consequences.

Why is that? In general it’s considered a good thing when negative consequences are avoided. No one complains that seatbelts make driving too safe or that anesthetics make surgery too painless. There’s the religious argument (“god says sex is bad, so we should make sure no one wants to have it”), but that doesn’t pass the smell test because people regularly ignore all kinds of religious prohibitions if they’re inconvenient.

I wish I’d kept it around, but I recall an article exploring the backlash against “easy” environmentalism by long-term environmentalists. Those who’d been making sacrifices and putting in lots of extra effort for years to reduce their environmental impact. New technologies and policies (such as un-sorted recycling pick-up, concurrent with trash pickup) were making environmentalism much easier. The old guard weren’t just boasting about how tough they’d had it back in the old days… some of them were actually opposed to these changes – despite the fact that the new ease of compliance greatly boosted participation and was much better for the environment. They viewed their efforts as virtuous, and the amount of work they put into saving the planet corresponded to their virtue. When the new upstarts joined in they were able to claim as much impact without putting in nearly the same amount of work – they were laying claim to virtue which they hadn’t earned, and that was offensive. The environmentalism had ceased to be about consequences and had become about identity.

I suspect this hatred of all things sexual may have a similar root. The people raising such a ruckus are those who were unable to enjoy sex. Perhaps they were born too early to enjoy many of the modern advances in the area, or they were raised in an environment which shamed them and deprived them of a sexual outlet. They took solace in the fact that they could avoid many of the negative consequences that used to be associated with sex, and prided themselves on the consolidation prize of being known as “virtuous”. Now they see people able to enjoy sex without risking their health and autonomy, and they sense that society no longer allows them to declare themselves superior – and they feel that they have been robbed. Something has been stripped from them, and their previous deprivation was for naught.

Rather than be happy that old monsters have been slain and that people no longer have to live in fear of them, they wish to return to the days were overall suffering was greater, but their personal position relative to the rest was higher. That is one example of evil. It is something we must overcome if we wish to continue to grow as a species.

Nov 202012

I still have so many things to get out, and yet so little time to do it. The holidays are actually worse, because even though I have a lot of time freed up from my job, I have to spend all that plus more on social functions. The rate of posting will slow down for a bit. :(

In the meantime, I updated the Fiction page, as the latest 3-Minute Fiction contest is over and I can post my entry.

Nov 152012

So this has been blowing up all over.

Savita Halappanavar, 17 weeks pregnant, was miscarrying. There was no chance that the fetus would survive. In excruciating pain, Savita asked for an abortion. The hospital, University Hospital Galway in Ireland, refused. Why? There was still a fetal heartbeat, and as Savita and her husband were told, “this is a Catholic country”.

They forced Savita to wait, “in agony”, for another two days until the fetus died. By that time, she had to be taken into intensive care, and died a few days later of septicemia and E. coli infection.

I recall not too long ago the right-wing extremists were screaming about “Death Panels” that would be instituted if the government was allowed to help people pay for health care. Turns out they’re still screaming about it actually, I’ve tuned out the crazy people enough that I didn’t realize they hadn’t gotten over it yet.

And yet the REAL Death Panels – the people who actually look at someone and say “Nope, we won’t treat you even though we can easily do so. You get to die slowly in agony for no reason.” – are right-wing extremists. I am not the least bit surprised. Whenever you want to know what a right-wing extremist is guilty of, simply look at what he’s most vehemently screaming about. It’s almost a cliche.

Nov 132012

While we’re on the subject of transparency, here’s another example: David Petraeus, the director of the CIA, resigned after an investigation uncovered that he had been involved in an extramarital affair.

Who gives a damn if Patraeus was having an affair? I don’t know enough about him to know if he was a good or bad CIA director, but I don’t think who he was sleeping with has any bearing on that. If everyone acknowledged their own sexual history instead of trying to bury it and feign piety this wouldn’t be an issue.

It was said that an affair makes him susceptible to blackmail. It wouldn’t if this had been in the open from the beginning.

There’s been some odd comments about “lack of judgment”. Really? He was the director of the CIA, and he had an long-term affair with a person he had a close relationship with. That says quite a lot about the quality of his judgment, in my opinion. As director of the CIA he could be banging three new women every weekend. THAT would show a lack of judgment. This? The only major issue is that he didn’t clear it with his wife first. And I can sorta forgive him for that – he got married 37 years ago, back in the sexual dark ages. Same way you can forgive a 57-year-old gay dude for being in the closet.

In a more sane society he’d just introduce the world to his mistress and go back to work. In a transparent society he wouldn’t even have to do that. Instead he’s forced to retire. /sigh

Nov 122012

Racist Teens Forced to Answer for Tweets About the ‘Nigger’ President

I have some mixed feelings about this. Obviously it is good that they are being held to account, we can’t tolerate this kinda shit in our society. Honestly, it’s probably best for them to get this smack down right now, while they are still young and can learn these lessons without long-lasting effects on their lives. Right now they just get disapproval and reprimands from adults, once they’re considered of majority they can lose a lot more.

An acquaintance commented that “since their legal names were used, that’s going to suuuuck when future employers look up their names for jobs, or college applications.”

I think this is one of the things people fear about radical transparency. In a transparent society, people will have to be much more understanding and empathetic. I recognize that they are just stupid high school kids, probably just acting out. They must change, and demonstrate they’ve changed, but for this to be held against them for decades is unreasonable. No one is perfect. When people recoil in fear of a transparent society, this is what they’re afraid of. “I’ve made mistakes, and I’ve managed to hide them fairly well. Thank goodness no one knows how I stupid I was.” The secrecy is a shield so we can all go on pretending we’re perfect to each other, and most people are afraid that once their shield of secrecy is broken, they’ll be torn apart by the ravenous hounds of society.

But those hounds only exist because they have shields that let them pretend to be perfect as well. Transparency breaks ALL shields. When everyone’s flaws are exposed, people stop throwing stones. While his homosexuality was a secret, Ted Haggard struck with fury at all those who were openly gay, cloaking himself in secrecy. Now he’s open and happy (or happier anyway), and that minority has one less zealot persecuting them. A google search for a kid’s name with idiot remarks like these won’t automatically disqualify him if the employer knows his own stupid high school fuck-ups are out there for everyone to see as well.

The problem is self-righteousness, which is fueled by hypocrisy. People seem to think the defense is to hide everything they do that someone might criticize, to live in the shadows. But playing defense only allows the aggressors to make the rules. The solution isn’t to be more hidden and wrap yourself in a straight-jacket of secrecy, it is to have transparency pierce every aspect of society so that hypocritical posturing of righteousness will become impossible.

Nov 082012

Permanence, by Karl Schroeder

Synopsis: An orphaned girl living on an orbital habitat discovers a seemingly abandoned alien craft – an inter-solar trading vessel. She gathers interested parties to investigate it while attempting to keep her legal claim in the face of competing national interests.

Brief Book Review: A lot of very big ideas in this book, each of which could’ve been explored in an entire novel of its own. Unfortunately packing so many high-concept ideas in a single novel means none of them are explored very far, and the brief touch-and-go ends up being disappointing. The book is also seriously hindered by the author’s inability to write compelling realistic characters. I liked a lot of this book, but ultimately its flaws overwhelmed the story. Not recommended.

Club Review: For club reading, this book is probably worse than as a solitary read. If I had simply read this on my own I might have recommended it, but trying to discuss it in a group really brought out the problems. Every time you try to comment on a brilliant and compelling idea in the story you realize that there’s not much to say, because it was never really explored. It was mentioned, and then abandoned. Intelligent but non-sentient aliens make a brief appearance. To contrast, Blindsight uses its entire length to explore how non-sentient intelligence could arise. Now obviously no novel can rigorously explore every single cool idea from SF that it incorporates, but Permanence seemed to keep getting distracted and didn’t even say much about its pet central theme (which, I assume, is that value-drift is bad, but can be avoided by trade?). Many plot lines and secondary characters seemed to get the same treatment – a cool premise which is never delivered on. In the end there just wasn’t that much there to talk about. Not recommended.

Nov 072012

I’m writing this on Monday evening. I’ve already voted. Obviously for Obama, since I think science is awesome and women are people. I can’t say that I think he’ll win, but I can’t say I think he’ll lose. I have actually internalized a state of complete uncertainty about this election (and, in fact, all elections).

True uncertainty is extremely difficult. It is, of course, an ideal of rationalism to actually feel uncertain about things of which you are uncertain, and to feel it in proportion to how uncertain you are. Yet despite exercises to hone such feelings, it is still extremely difficult to truly feel uncertain about many things that you shouldn’t have enough data to form an opinion on. One of my few exceptions is in the realm of elections, as this lesson was hammered into me in 2004.

Back then I was certain John Kerry would be elected over W. Bush. There was not a single doubt in my mind. Superficially, he was taller and better spoken, and was both a war hero and a peace hero (an unusual combination). Honestly I didn’t see how anyone could possibly vote for Bush. After 9/11 the world had been unified behind us, we could have done incredible things with the goodwill and support we had. And Bush pissed it all away to start a bug-fuck-crazy war against an uninvolved country under obviously false pretenses. There was nothing to be gained, immense debt and death as a result, and there was no plan and poor execution all the way down. He (I suspect) may have suffered a stroke early in his first term, and in my opinion at the time Kerry beat his ass so completely in the first debate that it was almost comical. I could not envision a world in which W would be re-elected. I couldn’t envision a populace that would re-elect him (or at least, not one that makes up 50% of the country).

When he won the shock was physically painful. Not the result – that sucked too, but it didn’t have a physical effect on me. But the sheer magnitude of having my model of the world be revealed as so disentangled from how testing showed the world actually was… it was a body blow. It was maybe the single biggest instantaneous update I’ve undergone (all others have been gradual).

The lesson stuck. I simply cannot understand how a sizable fraction of people think, from the inside. I cannot grok their motivations, and I don’t know how many of them there might be. And so despite all the analysis and predictions and polls, I am perpetually in a state of complete uncertainty when it comes to election outcomes. All I can do is observe what happens after the fact.

I wonder if this is how superstitious people feel about physics?

Nov 062012

Many people seem to think that their vote doesn’t matter much, because unless their vote happens to be the one that breaks a perfect tie then the outcome of the election would’ve been the same whether or not they voted. This is dumb.

There aren’t any real exact ties once you get more than a few hundred votes. There is too much noise in the system. Some votes are mis-read, some ballots are lost. Some people accidentally punched the wrong hole or read the wrong name, some ballots are hard to make out, and sometimes simple counting errors are made. How many times have you counted up the cards in your deck and not gotten the number you expected? Not often, but occasionally. Even computers can be glitchy.

There errors are random and so they don’t make much difference to the final count – they basically balance out over the long run. But they make getting an exact count impossible. If a vote is close enough to be within a tenth of a percent or so, it is essentially an irreconcilable tie. And let’s face it, when the population is THAT evenly split between candidates, an election is of no use. You might as well flip a coin, it’d be just as fair.

So an individual vote is not important because it might be the magical vote that actually makes the difference. Each vote is important because it gives its side a little more weight in this balance. The further the result is from a 50/50 split, the more clear and meaningful it is. If your vote pushes your favored side from 54.32% to 54.33%, that has made the result that much better for you. Go vote, because in the end the actual person sitting in the seat may not make a huge difference, but the weight of public support for one side or the other helps steer the future.

Nov 052012

My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic is awesome. A few people I know have asked me why I like it. I’m sure there’s plenty of explanations already available online, but I’m not a serious brony (I’m not even through Season 1 yet), so I haven’t run into them to direct my friends to. Therefore I’m writing this up myself, for the next time they ask.


1. It Is Sincere.
This is the primary reason before all others. It’s a reaction against Hipsterism, where people pretend to enjoy crappy things ironically. It can be fun for a while… hell, I own a copy of Black Dynamite myself. But the aloofness and jaded cynicism gets really old, really fast. There’s only so much I can take before I start to hate the world. I prefer to surround myself by people who actually are really excited and really into what they are doing. MLP is that. It’s a group of people making the best damn kids show they can, and being excited about it. But more to the point – the characters are sincere. They honestly care about what they’re doing, and they’re excited for it, and they’re always true to themselves.

2. It Is Good.
Now, this is somewhat relative. It is, after all, a show for small kids. But given that, it’s pretty good! The animation rocks, the voice acting is superb, and the storylines are simplistic but effective. The humor is actually pretty funny much of the time. The characters remain in-character without being flat. Not only that, it actually is attempting to do good in the world – Lauren Faust is explicitly feminist and rationalist. Twilight’s special power is scholarship and rationality. That’s a good message to be sending to young girls.

3. It’s A Cultural Rally Point
I’ll admit it – I wouldn’t watch MLP if it wasn’t already popular among the sort of people I like. Much of the appeal is the common knowledge and vocabulary that comes with watching it. The connection that comes with being unironically enthusiastic about life, and optimistic about the human race and society in general. Things are getting better. We’re getting stronger, happier, and smarter, and that’s happening because we’re actively pursuing those goals. It is the cartoon version of Yes We Can. This is why it’s impossible to shame a MLP fan for their love of MLP. There is nothing to be ashamed of. We are proud of it. We love life, and this show is a reflection of our ideals in a small, cute package.

It’s ok if you don’t get it, it’s not for everyone. But if you ever decide life is better when you can be optimistic and excited about doing awesome stuff, we’ll be here waiting for you with cake.